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Kod: Zaznacz cały
Dear Sir or Madame,
I recently upgraded my Garmin 60CS to Oregon series and as there are no
hardware buttons, I cannot access the following basic functionality:
* searching the nearest POI around cursor/pin - I used to move the cursor
and then pressing the FIND button in my 60CS
* searching POIs in subcategories (like ski resorts for example) - I used to
press the MENU button after choosing a POI category and could select the
subcategory to narrow the search
* changing map scale when browsing turns - I used to use IN and OUT
buttons when viewing a turn
* changing the vertical scale on elevation profile - I used to press UP
and DOWN buttons on the elevation page
* viewing the DEM profile of active track - I used to press the MENU
button when viewing the list of turns and then could choose a
corresponding option
Please let me know how do I access this functionality in my new device.
I was searching in the manual and trying to guess the solution by
pressing random screen areas, but with no success.
I could not access the above basic functionality, but in addition to
that it seems to me that some convenient options were simply removed
(at least they are not available with my software version 2.20):
* changing the track color seems not possible
* there are less fields to be adjusted in the trip computer or on the
map page and some values (like maximum elevation for example) are
completely missing
* it is not possible to determine the sunset at the destination or at
any other point other than the current location
Please let me know what was the reason for the removal of those options.
Yours sincerely
Na początek się okazało, że strona supportu Garmina nie działa. Wartwa zerowa supportu? Spróbowałem parę razy, po czym stwierdziłem że wyślę maila na support at garmin com.
Bez więszej nadziei:
Kod: Zaznacz cały
Dear Sir or Madame,
I was trying to submit my question through your support site, but I was
unable to submit the form. The support webpage would just reload without
any confirmation or error message. I made sure that all obligatory
fields were filled.
Please forward the following message to the appropriate person or
Yours sincerely
O dziwo, dostałem odpowiedź z adresu techsupp at garmin com:
Kod: Zaznacz cały
Dear Marcin Marszalek,
Thank you for contacting Garmin International.
I'm happy to assist you with this. Answers for your questions/concerns
would be better addressed if you called our Product Support line. This
way a Product Support representative could go through all the different
functions with you over the phone. Phone number: 800-800-1020 from
8:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. central time.
With Best Regards,
Robbie B
To trochę krzyżuje moje plany, bo nie jestem pewien czy z rozmów telefonicznych powstają jakieś notatki które gdzieś mogą zostać przekazane. Ale z drugiej strony, może przynajmniej połączą mnie z drugą warstwą.
A może Excel ma jakieś wtyki w głębszych warstwach supportu Garmina co by im przekazać jakiś sumaryczny zbiór uwag? W końcu po tym jak opisaliśmy tutaj knoty Oregona, to w bezpośrednim interesie każdego importera leży aby coś było w tej kwestii zrobione